Global Council Network

Council 50

20 - 22 November 2015.

“A pact of the disciples of Jesus”

“We are ready to help Pope Francis to implement the Second Vatican Council now. Another Church for Another World is possible!”

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The Bishops' Pact in the Catacomb 1965

Study of Vatican II recommended

The Catholic Bishops in England and Wales are recommending that all Catholics make a special effort during the Year of Faith (2012-2013) to study the...

Le Concile, 50 ans après Bilan

Helmut Krätzl qui a été un témoin du Concile et qui est aujourd’hui Evêque auxiliaire émérite de l’Archidiocèse de Vienne (Autriche) a prononcé...

Witnesses of a renewed Church for the times to come

On the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council, the International Movement We Are Church (IMWAC) and theEuropean...

Vatican II Themes - Richard McBrien

NCR brings us six important essays by Fr Richard McBrien

The Second Vatican Council understood the church as ecumenical, that is, embracing "the whole...

"What Happened at Vatican 2"

The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, or Vatican II, put the condition and future of the Catholic faith on the table for discussion.

Nearly 45...

Stories of Vatican II: The Human Side of the Council.

Tablet Lecture, 5 October 2012, by Robert Blair Kaiser

In a few days, the pope will be commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of the Second...

Hope and Resist

Message of the Conciliar Assembly,  Frankfurt, Germany 

18-21 October 2012,  

In pdf format: [English] [German] [Spanish] 

The Second...

Robert Mickens speaks about the Vatican

 Robert C. Mickens speaks about The Vatican's implosion and what it means for American Catholics.




“A pact of the disciples of Jesus”

“We are ready to help Pope Francis to implement the Second Vatican Council now. Another Church for Another World is possible!”

Press release, Rome,...

Supporting reforms in the Church and Society

Base movements from all continents support Pope Francis’ call for substantial reforms in the Roman-Catholic Church and in Society.

Press release  ...

The Catacomb Pact: against pomp and ceremony in the Church

Deutsch | French | Español | Potuguês

 We, bishops gathered in the Second Vatican Council, made aware of the deficiencies of our lives of poverty...

Address by Dr Nontando Hadebe

Perspectives opened by Pope Francis for the evolution of the Catholic Church and reforms to meet the challenges of our evolving 21st century world


Report from Council 50 - November 2015

The ‘Council 50’ gathering in Rome from 20-22nd November, sought to shine new light on the seeds of the Second Vatican Council, marking 50 years since...

Message from Card. Pedro Casaldaliga

We dream for a Church more democratic and fraternal, more mystic and engaged.

Dear brothers and sisters, Your meeting is very important to stimulate...

Catholic reform groups gather in Rome

The ‘Council 50’ meeting that took place in Rome from 20-22nd November 2015 aimed ‘to relight the flame of the Second Vatican Council’ and was...

A Voice of Asia for Reform of Church

In Asia, Catholics make up only three percent of its population, these Catholics need each other; they need to network with each other.

by Dr. Paul...

First Global Forum of the People of God

This book reports on the rich work of associations, movements and communities of Catholic reformers from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe


François Becker: nous parle du Council 50.

François Becker: Let us talk about Council 50


by Jamie ​Manson 



Reports from around the world

To set the scene at the Rome assembly in November 2015 reports were received from various parts of the world.

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